

NOT just another day, BUT....



An initiative by


#HearTheChange Saathi

“I request all of us to come together and pledge that these 30 days of #HearTheChange campaign shall break the social stigma about hearing issues by changing the mindsets and making people forthcoming to talk about it because it Matters.”

Avinash Pawar
CEO - WSAudiology

"Save the month! 3rd march onwards
World Hearing Day 2024:
Changing mindsets:
let's make ear and hearing care a reality for all!"

World Health Organization

Societal stigmatizing is the key factor that limits efforts for preventing and addressing hearing loss.
Therefore, over 80% of ear and hearing needs remain unmet. 

Source : WHO

#HearTheChange with Signia on World Hearing Day 2024!

This will be done for the 1st time in India at such a scale with 30 days of celebrations.

Signia commits to breath and live ‘hearing’ with a high order of compassion and keenness to bring a change by making hearing possible for everyone.


  • To challenge ear-related misconceptions,
  • To provide evidence-based information to reshape public perceptions of hearing loss, and
  • Call on nations and society to combat stigmas for equitable access to ear and hearing care.

How you can contribute?

  1. Doing a Shoutout on Social Media 
  2. Getting more #HeartheChange saathi for the cause
  3. Help in Getting media to talk about (print | radio | podcast | newschannel | digital news:
    • How hearing Loss is becoming as concerning  as heart diseases or diabetes
    • Wearing spectacles is fashion while wWearing a hearing aid is a stigma 


as described above


Free Camps by Signia’s partners | Social Groups |Distributors | Hear Care Professionals


Free distribution of Hearing Aids to the listed NGOs

Offers :

Special and Exclusive WHD offers by Signia within this period

Voice :

Stories of Customer/Users | Awareness Yatra by Signia
